Thursday, November 25, 2010

i like..

1.i like a person if that person knows me well..

2.i like the way i am..

3.i like to be myself~hak cipta terpelihara:copyright..tiba2 ict..wakaka!

4.i like sami yusuf's songs sooooooo much..

5.i like native deen's song.

6.i like outlandish too..

7.i like english subject.

8.i like my new look.he~girls!

9.i like my phone..

10.i like to read novels,

11.i like to learn something new..

12.i like to try someone else shoes.

13.i like to hang out at my home.

14.i like mdm hana,the way she teach..great~

15.i i like ust izwan,the >bestest< ustaz in the world.

16.i like dr. nursilah,she is so gentle.

17.i like prof.paimah.every time i think of etnik,its remind me of her.

18.i like pn masyitah.she never fails to make me wake up from my slumber dream.

19.i like to be alone.

20.i like...


Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin said...

pas ne cba post plak i don't like...bla..bla..bla...hehe...

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