Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ujian yang datang menimpa-nimpa,kadang2 membuatkan saya rasa putus asa.membuatkan saya kadang2 hilang arah dan tujuan hidup.meskipun saya tahu manusia itu wajib diuji.

Ujian yang datang kadang2 tersangatlah berat hinggakan saya rasa tak mampu untuk menanggungnya lagi.kalau boleh,saya nak masalah tu tak wujud langsung!

Tapi hati saya semakin terubat saat saya membaca ini:

Pergilah kepada hamba-Ku, lalu timpakanlah berbagai ujian kepadanya, karena Aku ingin mendengarkan rintihannya.

Ya!Allah sayang dan cintakan saya.Sebab itu dia menurunkan ujian kepada saya!

Tingkat berat – ringannya ujian, disesuaikan dengan kedudukan manusia itu sendiri. Orang yang paling berat menerima ujian adalah para Nabi, kemudian orang yang lebih dekat derajatnya kepada mereka berurutan secara bertingkat. Orang diuji menurut tingkat ketaatan kepada agamanya. Jika ia sangat kukuh kuat dalam agamanya, diuji pula oleh Allah sesuai dengan tingkat ketaatan kepada agamanya. Demikian bala dan ujian itu senantiasa ditimpakan kepada seorang hamba sampai ia dibiarkan berjalan dimuka bumi tanpa dosa apapun.

Allah tahu bahawa saya mampu untuk menghadapi semua ujianNya.Sebab tu saya ialah antara insan yang terpilih!

Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Tak seorang muslim pun yang ditimpa gangguan semisal tusukan duri atau yang lebih berat daripadanya, melainkan dengan ujian itu Allah menghapuskan perbuatan buruknya serta menggugurkan dosa-dosanya sebagaimana pohon kayu yang menggugurkan daun-daunnya.” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim).

Manusia banyak berdosa.Saya juga.Antara penebus dosa,ujian yang diberi olehNya.

Rasulullah saw bersabda : “Tiada henti-hentinya cobaan akan menimpa orang mukmin dan mukminat, baik mengenai dirinya, anaknya, atau hartanya sehingga ia kelak menghadap Allah SWT dalam keadan telah bersih dari dosa (HR Tirmidzi)

Temukanlah aku dengan diriMu dalam keadaan aku bersih dari sebarang calit dosa.

“Dan sesungguhnya akan kami berikan cobaan kepadamu, dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa (pengikut) dan buah-buahan (biji-bijian). Dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar. Yaitu orang-orang yang apabila ditimpa musibah, mereka mengucapkan ‘Sesungguhnya kami adalah milik Allah dan kepadanyalah kami akan kembali’. Meraka itulah yang mendapat keberkatan yang sempurna dan rahmat dari Tuhannya, dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk”. (Al Baqarah : 155-157 )

Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari dan berikan kita petir dan kilat, kita tercari-cari dimanakah matahari, rupa-rupanya Allah hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah.

Adakah anda sedang diuji?Berbahagialah kerana Allah sayangkan anda!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

~just to update~

yang depan tengah tengok citer Zorro.yang belakang tengah tengok citer Nanny McPhee.yang tengah??tengah nak update blog..nge~

tengah layan2 internet,tiba2 terjumpa lagu yang dah lama tak dilayan.Just Feel Better-Steven Tyler ft Santana.Lagu ni agak femes ler dulu.Dulu selalu layan kat Hitz.TV..Pergh,tengok Santana "goreng" gitar tuh..

I like the chorus:
I'm gonna try anything to just feel better
Tell me what to do
You know I can't see through the haze around me
And I do anything to just feel better

And I can't find my way
God I need a change
And I do anything to just feel better
Any little thing that just feel better

Because right now,I'm not in the best condition.So,I just need to feel better.

p/s:Steven Tyler-vocalist Aerosmith = I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing >>recommended to Mar.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bizarre Stories

Happily Ever After

In a rural area,there is a young man called Black Jacob.One day,he went to take a bath near Amazon River.When he wanted to dive deeper in the river,he felt something hit his face.He opened his eyes and OMG! A big hippo was staring at him.He quickly raised up and the hippo did the same.Suprisingly,the big female hippo blinked affectionately to him.Jacob decided to take one step away.One step back,the hippo moved one step forward.'This can't be!'said Jacob.He reminded himself that he will not take bath at that river again!The hippo ran towards Jacob while talked in hippo's language,"My love,my love.I've found my love."

Jacob reached a petrol station and he found a car with no driver.So,without any doubt,he drove the car as fast as he can until the speed reach 200km/hour.Suddenly,he heard a voice from the back."Hey,dude!The nozzle is still hanging there."Jacob was panicked and thus,ignored the man at the back.

Out of the blue,the man said,"I saw you ran just now and I bet that you could be a good soccer player for my team."Jacob immediately looked at the backside mirror and he realized that the man is the famous soccer coach in this country.

So,the coach invited him to join the club.Few years later,he became a famous soccer player.During a prestige tournament,he involved in an accident which made his handsome face had a big cut and needed to do some plastic surgery.Fortunately,during the treatment,he had meet with the most beautiful woman that he ever met in this world.He proposed that woman at the hospital and they got married on the next day.

The day after their wedding,they decided to go to Hawaii or honeymoon.When they were on their way to the airport,they faced an accident which involved a bulldozer and his beloved wife died at the incident place.

After the tragic moment,he isolated himself from others.Since he promised to himself that he won't marry another woman,he decided to take a big bunny as his lie partner because his wife named Bunny Honey.From that day,that guy changed his name,from Jacob to Rabbit.


1.if there's any demand,this fic will be in novel version.
2.give your opinion.
3.sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yesterday, I am questioning myself, “Why me? Why this thing happens to me? Why I must be the chosen one? Why? God is not fair.”

Today, I’ve got the answer. The Lord is fair.He takes one thing from me; He gives me more than before.

If in the future, there will be more hardships that I need to face, I will never frown. Because I know, there so many out there that more pity than I am.

If in the future, there will be more hardships that I need to face, I will never cry. Because I know, my tears will make me remember more.

If in the future, more and more hardships that I need to face, always remember, I am lucky because I am still breathing right now.

If in the future, I am asking myself, why I need to live, I will hold my chest and hear the heartbeat. Look to the smiling sky. This is the reason why I need to live, to appreciate everyone around me.

I need to face this world stronger than before because I know so many people are waiting for me.

I need to say to myself, “Yaya, you can do this!” because I know nobody will say that to me.

I need to hide my pain and make myself happy because if I down, people around me will sad also. And this will give me pain.

I need to shed my tears. No more tears after this, no matter what happen.

I need to find by my own, the one named miracle. If miracle is waiting, then I need to find it.

I need to find my own sun, so that my sun will illuminate me to my path.

I need to open up my wings, so that I can fly, anywhere that I want.

I need to take just one more step, because I already see the light.

I need to go to my own path. Because I know my end is there.

Copyright 2009 (>.<)